How to Overcome Loneliness

How to Overcome Loneliness
We all go through loneliness at some point in our lives. Whether it’s feeling left out from a group, not having a significant other, or even being surrounded by a crowd and still feeling empty, loneliness is something that creeps up within us from time to time. The good news is that this feeling can be overcome by the following actions:

Acknowledge and react. Once we acknowledge our feelings and understand that they can seriously affect our mental and physical health, as well as our behavior, we can respond to our sense of loneliness by forming and strengthening connections.

Lay off social media. Social media may connect people, but it can also make us feel even lonelier and more segregated because we expect so much from technology and less from each other. Instead, focus on strengthening bonds with family, friends, and community.

Focus on the beauty of the world around you and less on your lonely thoughts and feelings. It’ll be easier to overcome your sense of loneliness if you set your focus on appreciating the world around you. From the clear blue skies to the diversity of people surrounding you, there’s lots to be thankful for.

Find others like you. Join book clubs, sport teams, hiking groups, or whatever your interest may be, so that you can get together with those who share your interests. This will make it easier to identify groups with which you have something in common.

Kindness goes a long way. You have the power to offer loving kindness and generosity of spirit to all you come in contact with. And trust me, you’ll feel better about yourself by doing this. Fight loneliness with kindness and you’ll come out a winner.
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