Finding Success as a Working Mom

Finding Success as a
Working Mom

For a working mom, it may seem impossible to balance a career, a marriage, health, happiness, and a relationship with your children all at once, but trust me, it is possible. According to the Center for American Progress, “women now make up half of all workers in the United States, with nearly 4 in 10 homes having a mom that is also a working mother.” With so many women working full-time and being responsible for their little one’s well-being, the feelings of guilt and stress because of divided attention between work and family are feelings many of us have had to go through.

I’ve been there. While raising my kids, I took anything as simple as a 10 minute break as a luxury, and longed for the weekend to spend time with my children. From my experiences, I found that there are some strategies that are useful in getting through the challenges of being a working mom. Take a look at these 5 tips I’ve found helpful in getting closer to reaching an ideal work-life balance as a mother.

1. Let Go on the Guilt

Instead of dwelling on how you’re not with your child, think about the benefits your little one is receiving from your employment. For example, maybe you’re able to afford certain classes or educational opportunities for him/her because of your salary. Or you can save money for his/her college tuition. One day, all that hard work will pay off.

2. Find Quality Childcare

Knowing that you are leaving your child in the care of a trustworthy person/s is something that will put your mind at ease and allow you to focus on other aspects of your life. Ask family and friend for recommendations to nannies, babysitters, and daycare centers. Interview prospects so you can make a wise decision.

3. Make Mornings Easier

The key to making mornings easier is to get organized the night before. Packing lunches, laying out clothes, repacking diaper bags, backpacks, purses, etc. and placing everything by the door will make your mornings a whole lot easier.

4. Create a Family Calendar

From soccer practice to graduations to birthdays, there are lots of events that can cause last minute stress on all members of the family. Having a calendar that includes dates for when bills are due and any activities and special events that are taking place, will make sure everyone is on the same page. I use Google calendars since it can be synced onto my smartphone and shared with my family members.

5. Communicate with Your Employer

Whether you’re taking maternity leave or just accepting a job offer, it’s a good idea to let your employer know of your needs in regards to family time. Before speaking to your employer, make sure to research your employer’s policy when taking time off. Then, create a written plan detailing what you need.

Above all, I encourage you to give yourself a pat on the back, give yourself some slack, and reassure yourself that you got this!
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